Three years after bankruptcy, Ron buys his retirement home.

Ron filed chapter 7 bankruptcy with me in August 2011. He emailed to let me know he’s pre-approved for a mortgage at his retirement destination, near the Virginia mountains.
Here’s a heart-warming email this week from “Ron.” He filed bankruptcy with me in August 2011 and let me know he is pre-approved to buy a house in his retirement destination. His message line was “Thank you for getting us back on track….” Here are his exact words. Dear Bob, I hope this finds you well…and Happy New Year. You represented me in 2011 during a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing. That bankruptcy was discharged in November of 2011 thanks to the hard work you, your staff and associates dedicated to my case. Subsequently we were able to negotiate a loan modification with our mortgage company in 2013 and (17) months after the loan mod was approved we sold our house in Ashburn, VA at a nice profit. Having moved to Central VA we are now pre-approved for a mortgage for a home that meets our downsizing requirements. Thank you again, Bob. You gave us a new start, saved our home, allowed us to maintain equity in the property and move back to our roots in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Central Virginia. None of this could have, would have happened without your professional advice and services. All the best to you and your firm, Ron