Ocwen Back-Dates Loan Mod letters–according to NY Attorney General.

Here’s a PR photo of Ocwen President Ron Faris offering a loan mod to struggling home owners. The New York Attorney General charges that Ocwen back dates some mod paperwork, so consumers miss their deadlines.
One of the scary thing about applying for loan mods is the short deadlines you have to get them stuff–often things you’ve sent them twice before.
As a bankrutpcy lawyer, I’m often sent copies of those requests to send on to my clients–and sometimes the dates seemed a little odd.
I was still shocked when the Attorney General of New York says Ocwen is back-dating some of those letter: maybe intentionally.
In spite of all the dishonesty that went into the housing crisis, I still tend to thing banks are usually run by honest people. I’m going to start looking at the dates on those letters I get more closely–and I hope they get what they deserve.