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Robert Weed

File Bankruptcy and Sleep Better

People who file bankruptcy sleep better.

Ninety four percent of people surveyed said they slept better after filing bankruptcy.

That’s the result of a 2019-2020 study taken through of former clients who filed bankruptcy with us three or four years before.  One hundred four people participated in the survey.     

Ninety four percent sleep better after filing bankruptcy

Ninety-four percent of people report sleeping better after filing bankruptcy.

Getting good sleep is very important for good health.

People who get enough sleep are less stressed.  And less stress helps people sleep. It works both ways.

While people discuss the financial benefits of filing bankruptcy, the enormous health benefits can be overlooked.  

We did similar survey in 2011 and got almost the same answer.

In 2011 88% said they slept better after filing bankruptcy.

Lack of sleep increases your risk of cancer and heat disease and affects your mental and physical abilities.  

Rosalind, from Leesburg, said this:  I was depressed and very stressed when I came to Mr. Weed due to my illness and with mounting medical debts. I now sleep better, my stress level is down and I feel so much better.

Here’s Contrell, of WoodbridgeMr Weed is hands down the best bankruptcy lawyer in the DMV. I sleep well at night. I thought with my income it was impossible to achieve a debt free life style again within 6 months my credit score was in the 700’s.

Next is Betsy, from Sterling: Thanks for everything.  I can sleep better now.

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