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Robert Weed

Credit Card Offers Come Faster Than You Expect

After bankruptcy credit card offers come faster than you think

Have you heard the lie? The lie that filing filing bankruptcy means seven years with bad credit. You after bankruptcy credit will be better than most people expect.

After bankruptcy credit card

                                                 Here’s the after bankruptcy credit card offer “Eddie” got two months after his bankruptcy was approved.

The truth about after bankruptcy credit. 

The truth is the opposite of that bad credit lie.  Two months after bankruptcy, you start getting pre-approved credit card offers. (I know that’s true,because a lot of the offers, by mistake, come to my address.)  After thee years, most people have the best credit of their lives.

Are you putting off filing bankruptcy in order to “protect your credit?”  Then we need to talk.

Eddie, not his real name, got his pre-approved $700 credit card offer, ten weeks after his bankruptcy was over.  I tell people, the best way to rebuild is to have three or four credit cards, use and pay them, stay way below your credit limits.

Better Credit is one of the 5 Ways Bankruptcy gives you a fresh start.

A study by the New York Federal Reserve Bank show that people enjoy a sharp boost in their credit score after bankruptcy. The Philadelphia Federal Reserve found that people with a 540 credit score before bankruptcy usually were are 620 right after. For most people, bankruptcy works.

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